Montemayor Global Solutions is a sales representative agency comprised of a network of professionals that can consolidate sales, marketing, distribution and market research. Our special focus is managing international logistics and sourcing in Mexico for companies seeking to penetrate that, and the Latin American, markets.

Customer Touch Points

Talk to any executive today and you will learn that unifying the customer’s shopping experience across all channels is a leading priority, along with creating the customer-focused experience. No one knows the Mexican customer better than Montemayor Global Solutions. Our ability to tap into and sustain this market has been proven in over 25 years of work for other companies.

The ability to deliver such experience is true of two-step distribution, where Montemayor Global Solutions also has deep experience. It’s not a matter of just logistics. For example, long-standing logistical relationships seem to be crumbling because of the uncertainty of doing business these days. Montemayor Global Solutions has identified specific areas that will not only overcome this uncertainty; we have integrated our findings into our company operations. Here are two examples.

Consistent Promotions

Because we are a global society, anyone can find anything quickly. Therefore, consistency of pricing becomes the key to success. The most obvious example of this is what happened recently on a promotion for appliances. According to the Wall Street Journal, a pricing war was fought in August over a General Electric microwave oven.”Sellers on Inc. changed its price nine times in one day, with the price fluctuating between $744.46 and $871.49” the article stated, and then “Best Buy Inc. responded by lifting its online price on the oven to $899.99 from $809.99 after the Amazon prices rose, then lowering it again after Amazon prices for the oven dropped.” How is a consumer to know? Such confusion only harms the brand.

The same thing happens in two-step distribution. The representative quoting the project finds out there is a lower price, calls the sales manager, gets a lower price, provides it only to find that the other price has been lowered in a “how-low-willyou-go” feeding frenzy.

Montemayor Global Solutions believes and implements CONSISTENCY in pricing. Our programs are thought out ahead of time, avoiding such knee-jerk reaction to pricing pressure because we build VALUE into the transaction. That “value” can be in shipping considerations, in warranty extensions, in service. There are many ways to negotiate beyond the price, and Montemayor Global Solutions will use these tactics to your advantage.

Social Sharing

The importance of the social media networks can no longer be denied – or resisted. Instead of such denial, Montemayor Global Solutions has partnered with a leading B2B marketing agency whose expertise in this area has kept its clients on the leading edge of social media. This relationship helps us in allowing your customers the ability to communicate about your products at a level that enhances the ultimate purchase decision.